It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

The quote in the title has been attributed to George Eliot. After doing some research about the quote, I discovered that George Eliot was actually the pen name of Adelaide Anne Proctor. She used that used the pen name of George Elliot because she felt it would gain her more credibility and respect, being a woman writer in eras past. 

Although not proven that she is the actual author of it, it is mentioned in one of her books published in 1859, The Ghost in the Picture Room. She is quoted as stating, “No star is ever lost, we once have seen, we always may be what we might have been.”

The quote has been rearranged in various configurations and it refers to starting over or whether changing directions in one’s life.

I had been retired for about five years and at the point where I no longer had kids at home anymore during the day. A thought occurred to me that I wasn’t done wanting to set new goals; to get out there and start projects again.

I’ve been asked if I would go back to developing plays or maybe a film for the special-needs population as I had in the past but that wasn’t what calling to me.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that one of my greatest passions had always been promoting and supporting creative people whether they were in the arts or an entrepreneur.

In all honesty, my days in marketing had been when cut-and-paste was taking scissors out and using glue! I knew there would be a learning curve but I also knew that they were people out there that could help me develop the concept. And that is where it began.

Never Too Late Cafe is a platform to tell the stories of those lives of starting over and assisting those who wish with the tools to develop their craft. Often there will be peppered throughout the pages, quotes of inspiration or reflections on the life that is not necessarily defined by the 9-to-5 world.

Join us on the journey, won’t you? 


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